New Beginnings

Miles Joseph Bower, Star Player in this week's blog Our week had a fair amount of administrative activity. We made a trip to immigration and got into a line that seemed to stretch to Ecuador. Our appointment was for 8am and we thought, no way we'll be out of her before noon. Somehow, they did it and we walked away at 8:15am! This is the second step in getting our residence visa. It went very smoothly. The very next day, Rich got a text in the night asking him to take a group of young missionaries to Interpol to begin their residence visa process. Things went haywire because of traffic. Have we mentioned that Lima has the world's worst traffic? They arrived late and barely got in with the help of the good-old-boy contact from the Area Office. Julie is getting trained in the processes of the office in order to smooth out the process for the replacement elder and to provide some oversight going forward. We made many medical appointments and ancillary arrangements. We had the o...