General Conference helps make it all better...

Rich served his first mission in Italy where interest was difficult to generate, to put it mildly. Here, we almost have to do nothing to get contact information. We start talking about why we are here and how long we plan to stay and the rest is tantamount to falling off a log. Rarely, we run into a person who is not interested when we talk about Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon and modern prophets. On Saturday alone, we had three serious connections who gave us their phone numbers, and addresses and asked if someone would come and explain the church to them.

It was bound to happen. We have been in and out of cars and meeting with countless people on so many levels that we had to catch something. On Sunday, Rich came down with a fever, stomach, head and body aches. Julie followed suit about two hours after he got sick. 

We thought it was passing and got feeling well enough to go out and help with some of the purchases for much needed emergency backpacks. Every missionary is supposed to have one and in this land of tectonic instability, it is really important. That proved an error in judgement for us. We bought tons of stuff for them. 

We went to Makro, the Peruvian version of Costco and purchased rice, sugar, water, and a mountain of other stuff, see the photo. We worked all day in a lot of heat, got good and dehydrated and have taken the rest of the week to recover. We are finally, both feeling much better and ready to get back to work.

Emergency Backpack stuff

We actually kept very busy while stuck inside with medical appointment setting and all of that.

Our conference attendance on Saturday was challenged by a couple of crises but in the end, we saw nearly all of it, even with delays.  Rich took one of the elders to the airport to return home and Julie stayed home to watch conference. It did not require us both.

On Rich’s way home, one of the sisters called in a panic. Her companion had fallen down a flight of stairs and was complaining of back and knee pain. We had them call an ambulance since they were afraid to move her. Consequently, we spent Saturday evening in the ER. In the end It all went very well.  The sister has some badly bruised knees. We are very happy that that is all.

The Saturday sessions were wonderful and we saw some some dear old friends during it. We are so grateful to be able to serve here right now. It is truly where we are meant to be.

All well with the injured sister


  1. Glad you are feeling better! It was an awesome General Conference

    1. Love love love you two valiant, courageous beings. Thanks for postings, so wonderful to read about your adventure. God bless you and all you minister to. ❤️❤️❤️


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