Back Up And Running


Sister's P-Day

After being so sick last week, in the words of Monty Python, we "got better…"

We were back on task full time on Monday. We helped prepare for a Sister's P day at the President's home. Julie and I got there early on Monday morning and helped cook eggs, cut up fruit, prepare everything for crepes and set up for the sisters to come. There are 21 of them and it’s a special day for them. It is always wonderful to spend time with these young missionaries.

As we mentioned last week, each missionary is to have a well stocked backpack to use in case of emergency. On Tuesday Rich and a driver made the rounds to 9 missionary apartments. They delivered noodles, rice, candy, tuna and other necessities to all of these missionaries.

That night we went with two of the sisters to teach their friend Solange. It is truly the special thing we get to do. One, we see these fine missionaries teach and we get to help out a little bit with our perspective. Second, we get to see the remarkable affect that the gospel has in the lives of these they are teaching.

Wednesday was Julie's birthday and we attended a district meeting. We don't actually belong to a district but travel between them and have tried to go to a different one each week.The missionaries knew we were coming and so, had a small birthday celebration prepared for her. It was very sweet of them. One of the Peruvian elders is rather determined to have Rich teach him Italian. It is kind of endearing.

For her birthday later, we went to a favorite sushi restaurant here, the Makoto. To our surprise, the chef Jorge remembered Rich when we came in. Rich, of course knew him but we sometimes think we all look the same to them… Obviously that is not always true.

Some other friends dropped off flowers to our apartment and they wound up being delivered to another apartment initiating the great flower mixup. It got resolved the next morning.

Sister Plumb invited us to have lunch in honor of Julie's birthday at a restaurant near their apartment. We loved getting acquainted with Grace and Jacob, their two youngest who had the day off from school because of Holy Week. It’s been super hot but out where they live, near the mountains, it is scorching!

On Friday evening, we got a call from President Plumb asking to meet with us. We got ourselves presentable and went to the mission office. He called Rich to be his counselor and set him apart. It was a sweet experience. We have really come to love the Plumbs and are looking forward to much more time with them.

On Saturday we attended three baptisms in two separate ward houses with the sisters, we have been teaching with. They are sweethearts and so kind to include us. The second baptism was a collaboration between two different wards. The sister had attended one ward before moving to the one where she was taught and was baptized. We have never seen such a packed chapel for a baptism. It was wonderful.

2Chapels and three baptisms

Santa Patricia District Meeting/ Birthday Celebration
Birthday Dinner at the Makoto, our favorite sushi in the world
Insomnia enabled moon over the Pacific capture
Lima has undergone an explosion in mural art 


  1. Impressive mural art! Thanks for sharing! All the best to you two!


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