Two Weeks in One with Sweet Reunions

The weeks are flying by! Julie was sick most of last week. We'll only hit the hi-lights from both weeks. Last week Rich taught the two English classes and attended the Wednesday Zone Conference by himself. At it, our friends José Luís and his wife Veronica attended. José Luís announced that he wants to be baptized. Julie was so disappointed to not be there. She did make the second zone conference. We taught a couple of lessons with Elders to the taxi driver to whom we gave a Book of Mormon. It was pretty amazing! He wants to get baptized! Julie stayed home otherwise to continue getting well. During the week we made several appointments, checked on several missionaries and kept busy. We've met José Luís for church but he lives in a different mission so we have permission. He has been well received by the members of his ward. The missionaries have taught him one lesson and are enthused. We helped with the Sisters's P-day and Rich taught those who were inter...