Peruvian Independence Day, Inspections and a Dog Bite - 2 Wild Weeks

We have had a wild couple of weeks. We participated in an activity to honor Peruvian Independence from Spain. We were asked to speak to a very large group of young people about our mission. We had missionaries come and go. A sister was bitten by a pit bull and we got to help her get treated and get her rabies shot series started.

We set up numerous medical and dental appointments. Recently, a friend asked why all missionaries don't have their wisdom teeth out before. That is a rule in North America, Europe and some of Asia but not so much in the 3rd world. A lot of people here never have them pulled.

We finished up a monthly goal to place two copies of the Book of Mormon per day. Our mission president gave us that challenge. 

With an ease we placed 73 copies in July. It is truly amazing how receptive people are to this message here in Peru. People are curious about what a couple of old white folks are doing here from the US and we explain that we are missionaries. Everyone calls us Mormons and so it is natural for them to ask, "Why?", if that is not the name of the church. That launches a discussion about the Book of Mormon in a very natural way.

There is never a question whether or not someone will listen because they don't believe in God. They may be cynical about other things but in the end, because of the Catholic church's influence, they all believe in God at some level. There is no one who complains about the possibility of visions or ministering angels. They respond readily to a discussion of the Book of Mormon's description of social problems in the Nephite/Lamanite world. They hear about/experience racism, political corruption, bands of murderous thugs, and other things like that every day.

When we explain that Christ visited these people following his resurrection, they are surprised but not doubtful. We offer them a copy of the book, show them where to read about it and promise them that they can have a spiritual witness. Not one person has said, "No thanks." Rather, they smile, thank us and promise to read it. Some even start while we are walking away. 

We love our mission. We feel so blessed to be serving just now. We know that the things we testify are true.

Speaking to a stake youth conference
A very relaxed visiting dignitary at the conference

Cool Lima murals we had not seen before

Lunch at the best Italian Restaurant in Lima
Fiestas Patrias celebration in one of the wards

District meeting

More Cool Street art
An apartment view, not ours...
Sister bitten by a pit bull - She is doing much better.

Apartment inspections

Saturday Devotional and Luncheon with Elder Becera


  1. Especially enamored by the restful visiting dignitary.

  2. Kudos on your Book of Mormon placements! I'll text you an idea I just had about that. Keep up the great work.


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