Such Remarkable People We Serve With!

A couple of Elders contacted a man in their area. He told them that a taxi fare who he picked up had given him a copy of the Book of Mormon. He described the man and since Rich pretty much sticks out as a bald gringo with a white shirt and a missionary tag, they knew right off where he got the Book. We have been invited to teach the first lesson with him on Thursday. We have given out 103 copies since the beginning of last month. We are witnesses to miracles every week in the baptisms we attend and the experiences we have with the missionaries. 

We paid dental bills for wisdom teeth removal for a couple of missionaries.  We took an Elder  to buy an ankle brace for a sprain from playing soccer. and Rich had oral surgery to put two posts in for further implants. That went well. We made appointments for various other missionaries. We've had to find our own podiatrist and she tells them like it is. She puts the fear of amputation and death into them so they take her seriously. We love her! This was an Elder's 3rd ingrown toenail but the first to her… we walked there to pay the bill for him and also bought his medicine. 

We went to the San Gabriel District (quintessential ghetto) meeting and had a great time with the Elders there. The lessons and training were well thought out and presented. We also took one Elder some cream and medicine for his skin problems that he was unable to find. It was a good morning.

Julie taught two English Connect 1 classes to two groups of missionaries and enjoyed doing that.

2 hermanas invited us to a Relief Society activity in the Barrio Canadá. Many of the members are from Venezuela and the sisters taught us how to make Arepas Venezolanas. They were delicious and it was delightful. 

We attended the baptisms of a mother and her two teenage daughters in the Barrio Armonía. The Elders all participated. It was a sweet evening and the three women bore such humble and powerful testimonies. Elder Perez gave a remarkable talk on the restoration following the baptisms.

Rich attended the Barrio Canadá sacrament meeting this morning, Julie is under the weather with a cough. Julie’s doing everything she can to get well quickly.  Rich also went with two Elders to a family home evening in San Gabriel.

We attended the temple with the Jacobsens, the other missionary couple serving with us. 
A couple of our sisters working in a largely Venezuelan ward asked us to come to their Arepas night

We attended a baptism

We had a great meeting with one of the districts in the zone brava de San Gabriel

This pooch in our neighborhood always carries a neatly protected doll in her mouth.
The butcher in our market
We got to drop by an art exhibit

The look on her face says much about how we felt about it
Rich has done a little painting in his spare time, Pisaq above and Machu Picchu below

Street vendors with their smart phone, something we never saw before.


  1. Still jealous of those arepas 🤤 Sounds like a busy week!

  2. You are so blessed to have those interactions with your people there! We so desperately wish we had those opportunities! Happy happy for you both!!

  3. Beautiful and full week. Love reading about your wonderful memorable experiences.


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