Multi Zone Conferences and a Baptism

What a great week we have had! Helping out with the Multi-Zone Conferences is always wonderful and we love seeing all the missionaries and visiting with them. The Conferences themselves were inspiring and uplifting and we’re so impressed with the great work these young elders and sisters do. We taught our English Connect 1 class and Rich helped an elder struggling with his Spanish. We also made bank payments to renew missionary visas and paid for some medical needs. We made medical appointments that were needed and called and visited with missionaries that have been to the doctor or have been sick recently. It is feast or famine, we went days with no medical needs. Then, in one day we had six… We attended the temple and saw a dear friend there from our time serving in Cusco. That was super fun. A sister whom Rich interviewed a while back asked the sisters who taught her if Rich would baptize her. We were honored to attend her baptism Saturday evening in Vista Alegre. She wa...