Homecoming to Lima, who'dve ever thought it?

This was a big week for getting things ready to receive about 15 new missionaries. Rich helped purchase and stock things for new missionary apartments. He helped get new missionaries in on this transfer and helped send them home.

The biggest news was that Julie got back from Midland. She loved her time there with the grand babies. Her travel back was brutal but she is here and adjusting. 

We had a sweet sister from Otavalo, Ecuador come in at midnight on Friday. She spent the night with us since we have a set of bunkbeds in the spare room just for this purpose. Hermana Matango will be a great missionary. Her parents went from siccing dogs on the missionaries to being baptized and sealed with their family in the temple. They are a steadfast family now. A miraculous and marvelous conversion story. 

We went out with a couple of missionaries to teach. One of the missionaries is the son of friends we knew in Arequipa. It was wonderful to see his reaction when we told him. We sent the selfie of us with him in the meeting to his folks. They were overjoyed.

On our P-Day we went to see the Larco Museum. It is a museum of Peruvian Archeological Artifacts. It is beautifully curated and amazing! We had a great time with our friends and other couple in our mission, the Jacobsens.

We also went to a break-the-fast with the other couples in the area. There are a couple of these that serve in missions like we do, however, the majority serve in the South America Northwest Area offices. They fill roles like area doctors helping out numerous missions and so forth. It is fun to get together with these folks who have consecrated themselves to serve here. It is truly impressive to spend time with people like these.

We love this experience and our time here.

Admiring the cactus with the Jacobsens at the Larco Museum
The line for the Metro Bus by our house at rush hour
Missionaries fresh from the US, all having served somewhere there before getting visas
Massive Lima Traffic
Elder Huffman from Midland, Megan's friend's son
The new missionaries being assigned companions

Sister Matango, who spent the night in our guest bedroom
Sister Valenzuela with whom we served in Cusco, moving to Provo with her husband
Family home evening with the friends of our missionaries in the San Gabriel district
Julie returned with ink and Rich's brayer so that he could print a couple of lino cuts he made


  1. We loved going to the Larco museum. Truly amazing collection.

  2. Elder Hasler , you have so many different talents! Thanks for sharing them with us!


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