Temple Open House and Visiting Dignitaries

We have had such an amazing few weeks. We were asked as married missionary couples to participate in the new Los Olivos Temple open house. It required us to attend a couple of different sessions and is a very long way from our home. It takes a minimum of an hour to get there. It is interesting that it is in one of the sketchiest neighborhoods in Lima. By sketchy, we mean dangerous. Still, it's an area with a lot of members who need a temple close by. We loved being part of the opening days there. Over 6500 people came on the first Saturday. We get to go two more times.

The most wonderful thing for us is that we got to meet people we used to know, a very long time ago.

One of the counselors in the temple presidency reached out to me a couple of weeks ago. I could not place him at first but learned that he was the same who set me apart as branch president in Espinar about 25 years ago. It seems impossible that we have been involved in Peru for that many years.

We also had visits from three general authorities and their wives and enjoyed being instructed by them.

Meanwhile, we have had more missionaries get wisdom teeth pulled, get bitten by dogs (maybe rabid), copious flu problems, one ear-tube operation and other challenges. Despite it all, our mission is wonderful and uplifting.

We love what we are doing. We know that we get to bless lives in the work we do. That means very much to us.
Friends from all over Peru Los Olivos Temple Open House and 

Elders Pace and Nelson with their wive's visiting our mission

Various baptisms

Teaching with a couple of our young sisters
Rabies Shots
Dental X-rays

                                                                        Halloween in Lima

Early Christmas Tree in Larcomar
Luis Sifuentes modern art sculpture exhibit in Miraflores

Artist unloading some of his paintings in downtown Lima

Stylish ice cream shop near our home

Getting trained for the Open House
Señor de los Milagros month and we drove right by the church where the procession starts

Our fish monger near our home


  1. This is so amazing! You are right where you are supposed to be! What an incredible time we are living in - to see all these temples being built, even in sketchy parts of the world. The Kingdom of the Lord continues to roll forward regardless of the locations and you are part of this journey. You are doing great work. We love you 🩷!

  2. This makes me so happy


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