"Never Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of Christ."

We love our mission and love every opportunity to bear testimony of Jesus Christ and of the Restoration. This is something we did not get to do as much in our previous mission but here, we get an opportunity every day. We have taken Bonnie Cordon's words to heart and have really tried to "Never Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of Christ." It is rewarding and if nothing else, has strengthened our witness. 

The city shut off the water last week. It was supposed to last from two to five days. We spent a considerable effort preparing. We had missionaries buy water and tanks to hold sufficient water to keep clean, eat and take care of other necessities. The outage lasted from 14 hours to two days as far as we can see. It worked out to be quite a bit less than expected. Because we have a cistern, we did not even have to worry about it.

Missionaries had the usual number of health issues. However, we have seven dental appointments on Monday! Health issues run the gamut from wisdom teeth to injuries, to ear infections and a multitude of digestive ailments. We set appointments, make payments, generate Letters of guarantee for them to be attended. We also work on housing and visa matters with the office.

Sadly, we sent a sister home this week who so severely sprained her ankle as to make her unable to work for several months.  She may return when she is recovered but she was very sad.

We ran into a shot clinic and decided to get our Covid booster and a flu shot.We are not sure when that is ever a good idea but it is good to have it done.

We held the Sister's P-Day get together and Rich baked two loaves of sourdough bread that evaporated. He will need to double that for the next one. He has been baking more bread than usual and so we ran out of gas in record time. Making hay while the weather is cool. Once Summer arrives that will not be an acceptable activity…

We had a large missionary arrival and departure that took up the efforts for the rest of this week. 

 Rich baptized our friend Julio this Saturday
A lot of our elders get ingrown toenails and we have a wonderful Venezuelan podiatrist who keeps them moving!

The daughter of a friend's friend serving with us in our mission

Miraflores Parque Kennedy has dozens of cats, fed and neutered by the city. Mostly, cats hate Rich, but this one likes him...

Typical morning traffic in Lima

We never used to see Halloween related paraphernalia in Peru, but here is the little cross-over display in the grocery store
We are finally seeing some Lima Winter weather

The new missionaries from the US arriving at the Lima Airport

                                            Elder Clark is from our home ward in Albuquerque

All of the new missionaries with their companions and those who helped put it all together

Elder Clark with his new companion Elder Poma

One of our elders getting set for the dentist
We got our flu and Covid boosters in a shot clinic at the bank
We've been eating more fish of late...

A few previously un-registered murals around town


  1. I love all the pictures! Wish we could have some of your bread and try that fish!


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