Cold and Flu Season, Living the Dream

Another whirlwind week! Rich got to paint with Grace, our mission leaders's daughter. It was wonderful to visit with her, what a sweetheart! 

We made payments to the dentist, made several medical appointments and followed up on missionaries. Julie was finally able to pick up her Carnét de Extranjería so she's legal! 

On Thursday we took some food to some ailing sisters. They’ve had a rough few weeks. Then Rich got to go to the emergency room from 2-5:30am Friday morning to be with them. We put their names on the temple prayer roll and visited with them on Saturday. We think they are slowly improving. 

Rich taught a Spanish class. Julie taught her English Class. We do much of this virtually but some connections are so bad as to make it impossible.

Saturday evening some Elders invited us to their friend's baptism. She’s an older woman and one of her desires was to meet a sister missionary. She was so thrilled and excited that we came to be with her for her baptism. She is a sweet, humble woman. It was a wonderful evening. 

Our friend José Luis drove us to the baptism and attended with us, and after the baptism he drove us all to an appointment with a grandmother, mother and three sons, 17, 14 and 11. Not a member, he came in with us and we talked about the importance of the Sabbath. The boys had a baptism date but didn’t go to church last week. They committed to going to church so they can be baptized on July 22. It was a wonderful evening. 

This morning, we updated our medical supervisor on all of our medical visits for about two weeks. We need to do better at keeping up with that.

Today, we visited Ciudad de Dios ward. We had a wonderful visit there  and both bore our testimonies.It has an Altiplano feel to it. It made us feel like we were at home.

This afternoon we had José Luis and his family in for dinner. He has been watching Book of Mormon videos and it has made things much clearer for him. He talks about it a lot…

Rich did a baptismal interview in La Victoria. We spend a lot of time in areas we were forbidden to enter before.

We got to teach with three different sets of missionaries this week. It feels like they are taking notice of our willingness to teach with them and inviting us to go more often. We have given away at least a Book of Mormon a day but five in the last two days. We are amazed how willing people are to listen.

We love our mission!

Painting with Grace
Saturday Night Baptism in the Los Brillantes Ward

Sharing a copy of the Book of Mormon with our driver
Teaching with sister missionaries


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