Our First Multi-Zone Conferences and one dog bite


The North Zones 
Baptism in Breña
Our visit from our dear friends from Arequipa who drove here to visit us, the Sotec Quispe

We asked a couple of the Peruvian sisters if we could go with them to teach. It is tricky to get around but we found them. We got to hear them teach and it was such a marvel! They bore powerful testimonies and it would be impossible to imagine something more from the heart.

On Saturday, we attended a baptism where a beloved uncle of one of our Peruvian sisters was baptized. Many of his family were there and Rich got asked to teach about the restoration. This is simple for us to do really. We have made a serious attempt to share with our drivers and others every day that we can.

We love what we are doing. We can bear solemn witness to the truthfulness of Joseph Smith as the Seer of this dispensation. We know that the Book of Mormon is the instrument of the Restoration. It is true and we know that it is tangible evidence of the power of Joseph Smith's calling as prophet.

We are not charged with teaching but we do get to contact, invite and testify of the truth of these things every day.

We helped with the set-up and disassembly of the multi-zone conferences. This is vastly different from when Rich was in Italy on his mission as a young Elder. Even when we were in Cusco, we did not participate in these because of our assignments.

Still, it is remarkable to participate with these people. They never cease to amaze us. These are young people from 18 to 26 years old who have put their lives on hold for a year and a half to two years. They are a cultural mix. They have remarkable insights and qualities. They grow through their gospel and languages study. It is truly astounding when you think of it.

The conferences lasted two full days, one multi-zone each day. We presented ourselves to them in each day's meeting and bore our testimonies to them in another part of the meeting.

We have a pretty good handle on missionary medical appointments and seem to care for between three and five issues a week. It was taking a couple of sisters out of their work that they came for. We had a few hiccups but it feels pretty manageable now. We had our first emergency run with a dog bite. We got it handled at long last and the missionary is at ease. 

Multi-zone Conference

Maria Quispe
Maria Quispe with her daughter Yuli
Maria and Jesus
Market Shots


  1. Wow. Look at all that fresh fish! Eat some good ceviche for us

  2. Thank you and all the best to you!

  3. We love hearing about your amazing experiences and your testimony. Our love to you both.


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