The MTC to Lima

The iconic MTC photo

Our Nieces daughter, Hermana White (center) with her companion 
Iconic Airport shot
A trip to the Home goods store with Elders Jorgensen and Moreno
Guinea Pigs hermetically sealed (we can cook our own!)
Park lunch break while inspecting apartments w/Elders Jorgensen, Moreno, Hermanas Wilkes and Cruz
José Luís our dear friend and driver of fifteen years

After waiting for many months for a visa, we visited with our mission president and the church Missionary Department. We accepted the challenge to exercise faith and go to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) and get things rolling. We left for Provo with a plan to work remotely until our visas eventually came through. 

While driving to Provo, we got a text telling us that the visas had been issued! It was truly the answer to our prayers.The MTC was a wonderful and uplifting experience.

We got sick on our last days in the MTC, nasty colds with fever and general malaise. It made for a terrible flight to Atlanta, connecting to Lima and our first few days in Lima. We are making the adjustment to life here. It is summer, hot and humid. That is not Julie’s friend. We love the food here and that is nice. We are getting acquainted with the missionaries and today will meet more of the members.

Mercifully, we were not expected to hit the ground running. We had time to recover somewhat.
Our first formal act was on Tuesday. A driver took us with four young missionaries into the center of Lima. That is where they had their appointments to pick up their residence carnéts. At a later date we will need to do that too. We were stunned at how smoothly that process went!

It felt a little like a field trip. We waited outside with a Peruvian companion who didn't need to go through the process but she needed to accompany her companion. The process to retrieve the carnets is personal. Each one had to go in alone. We went along to just keep an eye on things.

We attended a district meeting, helped out with apartment inspections and learned about making medical appointments for missionaries who need them. That is something we are being asked to do. We will help oversee some office functions and are charged with looking out for the missionaries in five stakes. More to follow…All of that helped us meet a whole bunch of the young missionaries.


  1. Glad you are safe and sound in Lima - even if it is too hot and humid!

  2. Thanks guys! Glad you are safe and not still Ill. Those LONG flight days always take it out of us!!!! We appreciate knowing you’re there and have begun your next life adventure! Wish we could be there too. I so love that language!!!

    Ask the Pres if he’d like two aged, sickly old people.

    What are your accommodations like?

    Missing you. J


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