The MTC to Lima

The iconic MTC photo Our Nieces daughter, Hermana White (center) with her companion Iconic Airport shot A trip to the Home goods store with Elders Jorgensen and Moreno Guinea Pigs hermetically sealed (we can cook our own!) Park lunch break while inspecting apartments w/Elders Jorgensen, Moreno, Hermanas Wilkes and Cruz José Luís our dear friend and driver of fifteen years After waiting for many months for a visa, we visited with our mission president and the church Missionary Department. We accepted the challenge to exercise faith and go to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) and get things rolling. We left for Provo with a plan to work remotely until our visas eventually came through. While driving to Provo, we got a text telling us that the visas had been issued! It was truly the answer to our prayers.The MTC was a wonderful and uplifting experience. We got sick on our last days in the MTC, nasty colds with fever and general malaise. It made for a terrible flight to Atlan...