Book of Mormon Stories and Wonderful Encounters

We will start with our high points. We have very dear friend here whom we have known for better than fifteen years. Back in the day, Rich gave his little daughter a priesthood blessing and she got better. Before we came, Rich recommended him to help the mission president with a number of needs. His name is José Luís. In one of our meetings he served as a sort of guinea pig for the elders to do a practice session. It got him to thinking and then to reading the Book of Mormon. One day, he was driving the president and said, I think I want to join the church. I know the Book of Mormon is true. What an exciting thing! Some weeks back the president charged the missionaries to leave Books of Mormon with two people per day. We did not think it an unreasonable request and so, we started carrying a couple with us each time we take an Uber. We just start conversing with the drivers and the topic of religion and who we are always comes up. We usually leave them with a Book of Mormon an...